- Growth Type: Semi-determinate
- Flower color: White
- Height of plant: 87cms
- Days to flower: Summer 36 and Winter 38
- Days to harvest: Summer 95 and Winter 98
- Pubescence color: Ash
- Hilium color: Light brown
- Plant lodging: Resistant
- 100 kernel weight (g): 17.8
- Rust: Tolerant
- Ring spot: Resistant
- Purple spot: Resistant
- Powdery mildew: Resistant
- Downy mildew: Resistant
- Bacterial pustule: Resistant
- Nematodes: Resistant
- Phythopthora: Moderately resistant
- Stem canker: Resistant
- Row spacing (m): Summer 0,40 - 0,50
- Plants per linear meter: 12 - 15
- Excellent performance in soils of type A environments.
- Good performance in medium to medium clay soils.
- Tolerant to Asian Rust.
- Tolerant to lodging.
- Semi-determinate growth habit, semi-open plant
- Excellent plant visual.
- High and stable yield averages.
- High branching potential
- Large distribution of 3-grain pods.
- Plant architecture that allows product penetration and optimal phytosanitary control.
- Differentiated root system: deep and aggressive.
- Precocity allowing a better window for planting during the planting season.
- Resistance to nematodes.
- Good performance in all environments.
- Allows early sowing to improve the sale of safriña sowing.
- Possibility of staggered planting.
- Easy phytosanitary management, due to the architecture of the plant.
- Excellent response in all types of environments.
- Consistency at various altitudes, best results in areas below 600m.
in areas below 600m.
- Semi-determined growth habit, allows for a wide range of planting (initial, medium and final).